新闻 2022年12月9日


正规博彩十大网站排名 partnered with the 环境局 in England to develop a cloud-based platform that improves forecasting and decision-making during flood events.

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正规博彩十大网站排名 partnered with the 环境局 in England to develop a cloud-based platform that improves forecasting and decision-making during flood events. Read for the full details on this game-changing tool and how data-enabled solutions are shaping climate response.


洪水管理是世界各地社区面临的重大挑战, 特别是随着气候变化的加剧, 更难以预测, 风暴事件.

在应对洪水事件时,获得高质量的预报和风险数据至关重要, although in many cases existing tools cannot provide the required information fast enough – often taking hours 有时是几天 to undertake analysis, 到那时洪水已经过去了.

为了帮助英国应对这一挑战 环境局 commissioned 正规博彩十大网站排名 to develop an innovative digital solution that would provide real-time evaluation of flood risk consequences.  

环境署负责管理整个英格兰的洪水风险, 带头向市民提供有关洪水风险的建议, 维持防洪首页, 以及应对洪水事件. 环境署正在寻找洪水事件如何发展的实时洞察, 允许更明智的决策和更有效的风险沟通与公众.

The data-enabled solution that 正规博彩十大网站排名 developed for the 环境局 is the Flood Incident Mapper (FIM) tool, 利用背后的技术 洪水分析员. FIM是一个基于网络的, on-demand 2D hydraulic modelling platform that allows for instant creation of hydraulic models to forecast flood extents associated with failure or overtopping of flood management assets (walls, 泵, 盖茨)在风暴事件中. 只要按一下按钮, 用户可以在云环境中创建详细的水力模型和模拟. The results are available in minutes and displayed using a webmap for easy interpretation and rapid sharing with stakeholders and the public.

该系统还提供资产数据的即时统计, 地面高程模型(LiDAR)和现有的洪水预警区域, 哪些进一步支持运营决策. Automated model setup and a cloud-based platform mean that the solution can easily be used by non-技术 teams, 在洪水事件中,什么是必不可少的.

“我们已经启用了高精度和强大的2D数值引擎, 哪些机构承担洪水预报所需的复杂数学计算, 在几分钟而不是几小时内交付结果, 有时是几天, 以前的情况是怎样的,雅各布斯·沃特说 & 环境主任理查德·克劳德. “This game-changing technology will enable decision makers to take timely actions during life-threatening floods.”

环境局将使用FIM来支持全国的洪水预报和事件响应. Understanding the impacts of asset failures or overtopping will help the agency make on the ground choices about where to commit resources.

“The FIM platform will be a valuable addition to our national flood risk management capabilities and we plan to operationally implement in 2023,蒂姆·哈里森说。, 环境署的高级顾问. “我们可以使用该工具更好地实时了解最有可能发生洪水的地区和属性, 哪一种方法可以加快我们对洪水事件的反应,并使其更有针对性.”

我们构建的平台是可扩展的,可适应其他目的. 该系统使用了正规博彩十大网站排名多年来开发的工具和技术, which will allow for similar solutions to be developed for other clients such as flood risk management authorities in other countries or water utilities 管理下水道溢流

我们已经在使用FIM背后的流程来支持正规博彩十大网站排名开发的其他解决方案, 包括 Aqua DNA 使用自动化模型构建和模拟来评估供水网络堵塞的后果.

“随着气候变化给全球水务部门带来更多挑战, 数字OneWater solutions such as this flood forecasting tool allow our clients to make better informed decisions and protect the public and the environment during times of crisis,雅各布斯全球水资源和复原力总监解释说 亚当•霍斯金表示:. “数据支持的解决方案在以下方面发挥着重要作用 我们对应对气候变化的承诺.”