OneWater反射 2023年6月6日




铅和铜规则修订(LCRR) 该项目于2021年完成,我们一直在支持美国各地的饮用水系统.S. as they undertake the new regulatory requirements and prepare for a fast-approaching compliance deadline in October 2024. While much of the focus to date has been on the development of inventories and replacement plans for lead service lines, t在这里 are other LCRR requirements that water systems are preparing for – and one is the need for optimized corrosion control treatment.

Corrosion control treatment (CCT) involves adjusting the water chemistry to reduce the corrosivity of the water toward metal plumbing materials in the distribution system and minimize the potential release of metals, 尤其是铅和铜, 变成饮用水. 虽然许多社区已经有了有条件现金援助战略, LCRR对所有公共供水系统提出了更严格的要求.

The rule creates a new trigger level of 10 parts per billion (ppb) of lead in drinking water that may require water systems to undertake corrosion control studies, 以及如果超过15 PPB的行动水平和/或在水源或处理改变之前. The rule also requires optimization or re-optimization of CCT with review of pH/alkalinity adjustment and/or corrosion control inhibitors (orthophosphate or silica.) Water systems with lead service lines may also be required to perform pipe-rig studies and evaluate orthophosphate.

除了, 有更严格的抽样和监测要求, 特别是对于有引线服务管线的系统. 结果是,更多的水系统将需要在LCRR下确定或重新优化CCT.  

有条件现金援助的评估首先是对进入点的水质进行审查, 在分配系统内, 在消费点上. 这些水化学的桌面评估-通常由腐蚀控制模型支持, 管道水垢分析和铅剖面取样-用于评估腐蚀的可能性, 金属释放的来源和腐蚀控制的需要.

一旦确认需要进行腐蚀控制, the unique circumstances of the drinking water system are reviewed to identify and evaluate appropriate corrosion control alternatives. 这些可能是基于治疗的, 如pH值和碱度的调整或使用磷酸盐基缓蚀剂, 和non-treatment-based, 如引线维修线更换.

A comprehensive corrosion control strategy can then be developed around the preferred corrosion control alternative – and typically includes planning for implementation, 公众宣传和执行后监测. 在很多情况下, a pilot or demonstration study is required to assess the potential performance benefits and confirm design parameters for a treatment-based corrosion control approach.

随着社区继续实施LCRR合规行动, 有效的有条件现金转移仍将是进一步减少饮用水中铅暴露的重要战略. 在雅各布, we’ve been helping municipalities manage corrosion in their distribution systems for decades – providing more than 8.在美国有200万人.S. 和加拿大的腐蚀控制保护-我们提供 全面的支援及服务.

您可以在AWWA年度会议(ACE23)上了解更多有关腐蚀控制的信息。, 6月11日至14日, 我的同事Jennifer Liggett在哪, Tugba Akgun和我将参与有关该主题的几次讨论. 6月13日下午, I’ll be moderating a session ‘Optimizing Corrosion Control Treatment: Back to Basics’ which will provide practical guidance for developing and implementing effective CCT strategies. 关于更广泛的LCRR,我也会介绍 最近的研究 该报告评估了学校饮用水检测的现场分析仪. 查看正规博彩十大网站排名的完整ACE23计划 在这里 -我们期待着在多伦多见到你!



劳伦华志坚是正规博彩十大网站排名的铅和铜法规合规国家实践负责人. 她在水社区工作了11年多,具有铅和铜腐蚀的背景. 在加入正规博彩十大网站排名之前, Lauren worked for the Greater Cincinnati Water Works implementing the new Lead and 铜的规则 Revisions. Lauren also previously worked for AWWA as well as the USEPA Office of Research and Development focusing on corrosion and contaminant accumulation and release in drinking water distribution systems. She is also the current chair of the AWWA M58 Internal Corrosion Control in Water Distribution Systems Manual of Practice.
